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Manawa Rere Regional Digital Hub is funded by the government's provincial growth fund and aims to provide the essential needs required to enable tauira/clients to achieve full employment within the Manawa Tu employment strategy. 


In addition, Manawa Rere will support the needs of businesses, organisations, and funded initiatives groups through our online learning initiative.

Opening hours for the hub are 9 am to 5 pm.  For video conferencing or training events, may be able to be arranged by talking with one of our staff members.

We warmly invite people to drop in and talk to us to discuss your needs.

Secondary - Rangatahi Learning

Computer Games

E-Sports gaming is for senior school students and young adults interested in esports and the opportunities it brings. Understanding the impact of behaviour and mindset is critical to creating a resilient and performance-focused player.  Students will be introduced to the professional world of e-sports. Learn how to set up tournaments and understand the impact that behaviour has on team play. By the end of the 10-week module, student teams will be ready to compete in the Te Wero Tournament.

Content Creation

This course is for young people interested in creating online content. From streaming on Twitch, to creating videos for YouTube. These lessons take you through how to get started, the best programmes to use. Precautions to take and things to consider while building your “brand”.

Digital Animator
Graphic Illustration/ Animation

Students will begin to gain an in-depth understanding of the basic principles of animation, intro, and setup, designing original characters, creating simple animations, and understanding the importance of life drawing.  In addition, students will understand Squash and Stretch, and apply it to an animation through a comprehensive analysis of the scene/idea. Students should recognize the cause and effect of this precept.

Playing on the Computer
Te Iwi Matihiko - (Digital Wellbeing)

Digital wellbeing is about having a deeper understanding of how “being” online influences the way we feel about ourselves and how our own behaviour impacts others in online spaces as well as the real world with a focus in particular in social media spaces and online gaming.

This programme consists of 5 workshops that guide young people, their families and their schools on how to stay safe online. Focus is on social media, online bullying, toxic gaming and inappropriate content, what to do and where to go for help.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is a photo editing and raster graphic design software that allows users to create, edit, and manipulate various graphics as well as digital art. It also allows to create and edit raster images with multiple layers and import the images in various file formats. 

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© 2021 by Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Regional Digital Hub

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