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Ngati Manawa, tena tatou katoa.


This report provides an update of the current activities for the month ending 30 November 2022  


  1. Mana Whenua

Our mana whenua team continue to meet with ither CNI iwi in respect of Kaingaroa mana whenua. We are meeting with the other iwi on Wednesday the 14th December to discuss allocation of the whenua and land title.  


  2. AGM Hui a Iwi  

A big mihi and thank you those that attended the AGM held at Tipapa marae on the 12th November. The hui was a great success, and it was awesome to showcase to our people all of the hard mahi that is happening within our rohe. It was also great that we were once again able to live stream the entire hui for those that couldn’t make it kanohi me te kanohi. A massive thank you also to Tipapa marae committee who hosted our xmas hakari the kai and company was amazing. Nga mihi ki a koutou katoa.      



   3. Iwi Development

We are still awaiting a response to our application for a Trades Training proposal intended to continue on from the work established by Manawa Tu — Work for Life Centre. This will form the basis for 3 other projects — Oranga Marae, Manawa Oho, Manawa Whare.


In looking back over the 3 years of the Manawa Tu contract with the PGF we have noticed:

  • Our community and Uri are looking for work.

  • Our rangatahi are picking up employable skills and are keen to work.

  • Getting into work has driven other goals — housing, a car for example.

  • Transport and driver licenses are being removed as barriers to employment.

  • The Manawa Tu team provide excellent support to all

  • Relationships have been the key to the success of this project.

  • The success of individuals make whanau keen to explore employment and/or training options.

  • Employers like to source potential employees from us.

  • Job opportunities has motivated our community to come in and find out more. Some days the team have a large number of contacts to deal with.

  • Training is being extended from park management to environmental monitoring then to trades training. Health science training is also a field we have in our radar for future opportunities to meet a large gap in health service worker availability. The outcome as we near the end of the Manawa Tu contract is that the Runanga has successfully placed many of our people in to jobs and that they are well prepared and trained for them,


    4. Manawa Energy

A two-year contract has been finalized with Manawa Energy to conduct tuna monitoring and trapping during the tuna heke season. We aim to collate data in support of the Cultural Impact Assessment and to gain insight into the tuna state of health, size, and population.

The work will be conducted by our monitoring staff in coordination with Matua Maurice.

A proposal has been received from Poipoia  to support the facilitation and completion of a Cultural Impact Assessment for the Wheao Power Scheme resource consent. It is hoped that once finalized this piece of work will commence in the new year. Iwi wananga will be held and hui will also be held with Ngäti Manawa pakeke.


   5. Te Mana o Te Wai Project

The team has settled well into their positions and working well as a team. Most site assessments have been completed that include water monitoring and mahinga kai. The team has also been provided the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge to help identify areas of erosion and mapping tools to ensure matters can be addressed through the regional council river drainage team. Assessment of sites and locations of taonga species has started and will also entail speaking with Ngäti Manawa Pakeke to identify traditional areas.



   6. Niwa Workshop

A four-day workshop was held with N.I.W.A and our Te Mana o Te Wai roopu to develop their skills in taonga restoration and river monitoring. A health and safety plan will be developed by N.I.W.A for all river monitoring and our staff participated in practical exercises to identify hazards and procedures at the various river monitoring locations.



   7. Regional Council River Drainage

Site visits were held to determine the agreed and appropriate methods to address erosion on the Rangitaiki awa near the Murupara treatment plant. Soft engineering and restoration planting are the preferred method on such occasions. Any hard engineering methods will require the development of an agreed plan and cultural monitoring which will be charged out for our time and our services. Regular notifications are now being received by the Rūnanga and each plan is co-designed.



   8. Training and Employment

Staff met with Nova Energy re: employment opportunities on solar farm, Rangitaiki planes - Civil, fencing, planting (plants purchased from Minginui), construction, electrical, agricultural, trade assistant work, trades. Advised of transport required. Nova to arrange meeting with other iwi involved. Jobs to advertised on Manawa FM and social media pages.

Training and Employment Outcomes



Places of employment or training for this quarter include:

Full-time: Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa (Te Mana o Te Wai 2-year contract), Donnelley's sawmill, DOC (jobs for nature contract), Te Ahi Mauri (Rehabilitation programme).

Seasonal: Sheep milking, Shearing, childcare & Kiwifruit.

Further training Work for Life Centre: September cohort 2022 Further training other providers: Toi oho Mai (Nails and lashes). Self-employment: Catering


Driver's license upgrades Jan 2022 — Oct 2022 Post Covid

   9. Manawa Rere 


Kaumatua Home-based learning


Kaumatua Home-Based Learning

Five Kaumatua/Uri of Ngäti Mänawa have been engaged to participate in this program. There was a slight delay with the commencement of the training due to kaumatua being unwell and not being available because of local tangi. A device handover for all participants has been completed. Kaumatua have successfully been onboard and now undergoing the completion of activities, tasks and assignments that have been set up.


Te Hekenga o Tangiharuru Animation Stories:

We are currently working through with our funder for the extension of this project due to the past COVID lockdown, tangi, and cold winter weather. On a brighter note the extension has been pushed out until April 2023 and now looking at regrouping to where we had left off.


Tech Support Manawa Tu Training:

As part of Manawa Tu's 4-week training program, our technical support team assists staff and clients throughout the entire training in the e-Learning, digital hub, and marae.

Finally, on behalf the Board of Trustees that although this has been a challenging year for our Runanga we the board thank you for your continued support and encouragement thru the year. We will continue to work as hard as we can to ensure we do the best for the iwi of Ngati Manawa.

For those whanau who are travelling away for the Xmas and New Year break, stay safe, travel safe and have a great Xmas and happy New Year.


Noho rangimarie.


Kani Edwards



Chairman's Marae Report November 2022

© 2021 by Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Regional Digital Hub

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