Upcoming Events:

Ngati Manawa
Applications are now available from descendants of Tangiharuru and Apa for the 2023 education grants and scholarships listed below:
Tertiary grants – online form only.
Secondary school grants - Years 12 & 13 (Form 6 & 7) Hard copy form from Secretary’s office or print from the website.
SCHOLARSHIPS: (Hard copy forms from Secretary’s office or print from website)
Maurice Bird Scholarship – Education General
For applicants in the 3rd year of a Teacher Training Programme.
Pererika Twist Scholarship – Education Kura Kaupapa (
For applicants in the 3rd year of a Kura Kaupapa Teacher Training
Agricultural/Forestry Scholarship – Farming or Forestry
For applicants undertaking a tertiary course in Farming or Forestry.
Please go to website www.deloitteprivate.co.nz/rotorua
Deloitte (Rotorua), Pukeroa Oruawhata House, 2/1176 Amohau Street
P O Box 12003, Rotorua Ph (07) 343 1050
Email: nzrotoruaenquiries@deloitte.co.nz
Closing date: 4.30pm SUNDAY 30 APRIL 2023

Annual General Meeting
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa will hold their AGM