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Connect to Ngāti Manawa

The purpose of the Iwi Registration is to build Ngāti Manawa by registering the descendants of Tangiharuru tīpuna Takuate, Kuranui, or Kuraroa, and those who affiliate to Rangitahi, Painoaiho, Tipapa or Moewhare Marae and Ngāti Manawa Hapū.

Your Iwi Register is based on Ngāti Manawa whānau and Ngāti Manawa Hapū.

By registering as a Ngāti Manawa member you

  • Connect with your marae and hapū and all the exciting developments happening there

  • Receive our updates and hear what your whānau and tribal communities are up to

  • Can be involved in shaping Ngāti Manawa direction and future through your hapū.

  • Participate in building Ngāti Manawa.

Simply complete the online registration form. 

NOTE:  This information is to be used to establish a register of Ngāti Manawa Iwi Members. 

MāoriMe helps you make contact with your iwi and other relevant Māori organisations such as Māori land trusts. Sign up to access grants!

© 2021 by Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Regional Digital Hub

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