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The origins of the name Kaingaroa.

The story tells of renowned tīpuna Ngātoroirangi climbing mount Tongariro where he was stricken by the cold, frosty weather of the mountain. He called upon his sisters Hawaiki, Kuiwai and Haungaroa, to come to his aid. Without delay, his sisters flew from Hawaiki to aid their brother with warmth and comfort, in anticipation he would still be alive on their arrival.

It is said the sisters stopped at many places across Aotearoa creating hot springs and geysers as they went. They continued on their meandering journey, ultimately arriving in the rohe of Ngāti Manawa, who cared for them and fed them.

Kuiwai did not feast for long, however Haungaroa ate until she fell into a deep slumber. Kuiwai began to get tiresome of her sister’s long sleep.

After a while Haungaroa eventually woke. As a result of Haungaroa’s extended sleep, both sisters became concerned abut their brothers well being and Kuiwai, being immensely furious at her sister’s manner uttered, “he kainga roa nāu nē!”, “You ate too much, and took too long!”

Thus was the naming of the place we know as Kaingaroa o Haungaroa or Kaingaroa for short.

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